Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pink Prayer: Physical Training & Spiritual Trusting

Mama was diagnosed with cancer then I cut my hair. She's started chemo and I started training. Training forThe3Day-DC. Nicky and I are in it together.

Our Team Name: Pink Prayer
Team Members and Co-Captain: Nicky & Me
Money Raised so Far: $10 each (the tax-deductible portion of our registration fees)

First we stopped by Pacers, where we were each personally outfitted with shoes for our new endeavor. Our personal salesmen/foot outfitters watch our gate and then offered a variety of shoes that might work for us. Nicky's are pink and mine well not pink. We're gonna give them a test run to see if they are comfortable, supportive and worth buying a second pair...we'll be putting a lot of miles on our shoes over the next few months.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Training Day 1

Nicky is gonna be a good coach. We will make a good team.

Averaged 19 min miles.

Good ideas from the day:

-Map out the roads we cover with our training walks
-Walk the azaelea route
-Continue to count our blessings

Drive home with Allison Krauss was nice. Feeling pretty content and settled. A welcome change to recent anxieties.

Of course after a day of success what do I want to do, but shop...Pink merchandise watch out!
